What Your Doctor Can’t or Won’t Tell You!

What do I mean by that?

Most people are unaware that your average Western-trained allopathic doctor never got a day of nutritional training or preventative care. If you’re lucky, you might find one that did some research on their own, but by the admission of some, they get none and at best, the average of those who did was only 20 hours. (1)

In comparison, a Naturopath (N.D.) goes through 2 years of nutritional training. Because nutrition aids our immune system in healing our bodies of conditions we may suffer from, those two years can pay off in a big way. M.D.s (allopathic doctors) train to diagnose and prescribe the most currently accepted drug or therapy. They are, after all, doctors of “medicine.” This is what they know and have trained to do. It’s been this way since Rockefeller established the American Medical Association (A.M.A.) in 1910, bringing in the pharmaceutical companies with their drugs, (2) where before that time, doctors used herbs and foods, as well as homeopathy which was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. (3)

What else, then, would we expect to gain from our allopathic doctors, except for the promotion of drugs or drug-related therapies? This is what they know and what they prescribe. Yes, there are exceptions, but these are far too few.

Well, that explains why you will not likely find an allopathic doctor who can tell you how to heal, but what about why one won’t?

As with so many things in this world, especially the medical community, the other side of this dark coin is all about money. Surprised? Probably not! Now why would a doctor not want you to get well? I’m sure many might ask that. You would think, especially with the calling many doctors have to want to “help” others, this would not be. But if that is the case, why do so many doctors fail to provide the answers to actual healing and find a permanent solution to the problems at hand?

A patient under a doctor’s care who is taking or on any medicinal regimen is a customer. Though not all medicines carry a reward for those who prescribe them, many do. Drugs, as in pharmaceuticals, manufactured by big drug companies and often referred to as Big Pharma, as a general rule, have rewards.

Some have suspected doctors get scholarship funding from drug companies. Some statements connecting doctors and drug companies have revealed similarly related information. According to a release from Consumer Reports, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services showed 546,000 physicians on payments totaling more than $3.5 billion, confirming ties to Big Pharma. (4) One company, according to a Harvard Medical School publication in 2013, said “GlaxoSmithKline has announced it will no longer pay doctors to promote its drugs, nor reward sales representatives based on how many prescriptions doctors write.” (5) It apparently had before that time.

There are many other cases of such reports, but the point is doctors benefit or have monetarily or with perks by prescribing medications. This makes you a customer of the drug companies and supports your doctor’s income. Your doctor receives payment every time you see them as their patient, either directly from you or through the insurance company to which you pay premiums. Even if they get nothing from the pharmaceutical companies, you are a customer of your doctor’s.

This is the bottom line: if your doctor makes you well (permanently), they lose a customer! It may be important to understand that your doctor is in business for themself. While some may have the desire to see you heal, they are in business to make that happen. Some have lost touch with their Hippocratic Oath, which is to “first do no harm” and in too many cases have replaced it with the motto “What can I do to keep this patient as my customer?”

So what is being said here is that, for the most part, your (Western-trained) allopathic doctor can’t in far too many cases heal you or help you as they lack the knowledge to help you do so through your own immune system, and, if they know, they may not tell you as they will lose you as a customer once you’ve healed.

This is the sad reality of much of modern medicine today! What is the alternative? One is to see a good Naturopath who can address the cause and help you help your immune system to bring healing. Another is to learn what your body needs to give your immune system what it needs to heal you and how to best obtain and apply it. Getting a diagnosis from any doctor may help you know what to treat, but beware of who and what process is being suggested to provide the answers you need to heal.


Written by Douglas K. Johnson – Life, Health and Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Investigative Journalist, and Author


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6109840/
  2. https://www.cancertruth.net/ama-history/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy
  4. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2014/09/find-out-if-your-doctor-takes-payments-from-drug-companies/index.htm
  5. https://hms.harvard.edu/news/should-doctors-be-paid-pharmaceutical-companies-promote-their-drugs

Medical Disclaimer

Published by Douglas Johnson

I am a Life, Health and Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Investigative Journalist, and Author

2 thoughts on “What Your Doctor Can’t or Won’t Tell You!

  1. Hi Anne. I am also putting this message in your Messenger inbox for you. There is an app in the FILES and GUIDES to search for one near you. All I can do here is give the link. In Messenger, I will be asking your location which will help me find those close to you. The app link is:
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